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Showing 21-30 of 62 posts

Invisible ReCAPTCHA with Next.js and TypeScript (deferred script)

This post walks through how to enable ReCAPTCHA in a performant way with the Next.js built-in script component

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How your browser loads, parses, and renders a webpage

Discover how browsers transform URLs into interactive webpages: From loading and parsing HTML to rendering on-screen visuals.

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React Forms Tutorial for Beginners

Doing forms right in React is difficult. This post is an exploration of some "best practices" when using forms in React.

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React Component Lifecycle: A Deep Dive for Beginners

When building with React, when should you useState? useEffect? useMemo? useRef? To answer these questions, you must understand component lifecycles.

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Vanilla React 18 + TypeScript + Webpack

Tools like create-react-app are great, but abstract away lots of details. Here's how you can set up a "vanilla" React + TypeScript app using Webpack.

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File Upload Strategies with AWS S3, Node.js, Express, React, and Uppy

There are many ways to handle file uploads in a web app. This post explores which ones are best for your use case.

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CommonJS vs. ES6 Modules for Beginners

A brief overview of what JS module systems are for and the differences between the major module systems available like CommonJS, UMD, AMD, and ESModules.

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How to set up an RSS feed with Next.js in a Nrwl NX monorepo

This post is a quick walkthrough of how I set up an RSS feed for my blog with Next.js and the Nrwl NX mono repo tooling

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How to build a Masonry Image Gallery + Lightbox with Next.js

Build a masonry layout of images that are clickable and open into a beautiful lightbox with the Next.js Image component

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Nextjs Image Component: In-Depth Tutorial

The Next.js Image component does a lot under the hood, but how does it work and how do you use it effectively?

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Showing 21-30 of 62 posts